Since spring 2020 I have been an active member of Cirkusbygningen i Sandvig – an art- and community centre in Northern Bornholm. In 2021 I became a board member.

During this period I have coordinated various events together with the other board members to support and build up the artistic and cultural community on Bornholm, mainly northern Bornholm. We have raised money for maintenance of the building, done artistic workshops for schools, locals and refugees and I have been doing a dance class once a week. Cirkusbygningen i Sandvig was established in 2019.
Menu of the projects:
- 2022 / Dragekompagniet besøger Cirkusbygningen i Sandvig
- 2022 / Circus- and Art Workshops
- 2022 / School Workshops with Kongeskærskolen
- 2022 / Monday Meetings
- 2022 / Funding from Sparekassen Bornholm
- 2021 / Funding from Bornholms Brand
- 2021 / Support Party
- 2020 / Support Party
Dragekompagniet besøger Cirkusbygningen i Sandvig
Together with Dragekompagniet (The Dragon Company) we had free activities all day on November 17th. We had 80 participants from 0-80 years old doing puppetry, mask building, circus, dance, storytelling, magic, visual arts, theater and facial paint.

Circus- and Art Workshops:
Together with other instructors associated with Circusbygningen i Sandvig, we facilitated 5 workshops for children, young and adult refugees and locals. Ann Skogoey did visual arts; Gitte Pørksen did circus exercises; Ida Marie Tjalve did puppetry; and I did dance and architecture. Ann Skogoey was coordinator. The workshops are supported by Ungdommens Røde Kors and Bornholm Støtter Ukrainske Flygtninge.

School workshops with kongeskærskolen:
We did two building-, visual arts-, dancing-, circus- and architecture workshops with children from Kongskærskolen (a public school). Ann Skogoey was coordinator. The instructors were Aslak Gärtner, Gitte Pørksen, Ann Skogoey and I.

Monday Meetings:
Monday Meetings are a platform for members of the Circus Building to meet, eat and present and test various ideas, projects, recipes, music, … only the imagination sets the limits.
Since February 2022 we have arranged meetings the first monday of each month.
Support Party 2021:

Support Party 2020:
This party started with workshops and performances for children. Later it turned into a dance party lasting all night. I did a workshop for children together with Ida Marie Tjalve with the name Another Reality. And I performed with three musicians: Karen-Lisbeth and Nina Estrup Willumsen played the saw and Oddur played the guitar.
