I investigate ways of reimagining places to question existing norms.
At present, my method explores how daydreams poetically connect beings and places, aiming to bridge inner and outer worlds. My work is driven by love and care for the overlooked and marginalized—the abject. By revealing the beauty of the abject, I challenge dominant norms, embodying this through choreography, mapping, film, and model building.
My method is called Daydream Dialogues. It consists of three component methods: Shared Daydreaming, Naked Embodiment, and Conveyor of Abjection. You can read more about the methods here.
“Daydreams transport the dreamer outside the immediate world to a world that bears the mark of infinity (Gaston Bachelard, Poetics of Space).”
“Abjection is a concept in critical theory referring to becoming cast off and separated from norms and rules, especially on the scale of society and morality, (Wikipedia)“
“THE ABJECT, abjection (Kristeva): Our reaction (horror, vomit) to a threatened breakdown in meaning caused by the loss of the distinction between subject and object or between self and other, (https://cla.purdue.edu/academic)“

I am a dancer and choreographer from The Danish National School of Performing Arts, working freelance in dance/theater/workshop productions both in Denmark and abroad since 1994.
Identifying as genderfluid, I was actively involved in the gender political group dunst from 2001 to 2007. In 2018, I wrote the article “dunst 2001-07: Aesthetics of Abjection,” published in Peripeti, a magazine for dramaturgical studies, marking my artistic exploration of abjection since 2001.
In 2014, I earned a degree in landscape architecture (cand.hort.arch), specializing in the relationships between bodies and places. Since 2015, I’ve worked as an arts and architectural educator. I collaborated with the University of Copenhagen and the University of Cape Town, coauthoring articles in 2020 It’s all about art and 2021 A Microtopia of Arts Education.
Since spring 2020, I’ve been artistically active on Bornholm, a Danish island in the Baltic Sea. Here, I’ve coordinated and participated in various events, fostering the artistic and cultural community in collaboration with local theaters, art communities, and cultural groups like BIRCA, Kobbegaard, Cirkusbygningen i Sandvig, Dragekompagniet, Bornholms Theatre, Lyngbo and Bornholms Museum.
From 2021, I’ve been engaged in productions with Metropolis, Copenhagens International Theatre. Among others I participated in Performing Landscapes.